Thursday, August 14, 2008

Matter verses water

Grown in water, born of water, made up of mostly water. Reborn of water, remember the water every Sunday. Trying to fight off time in water. Water is always stronger. It resists my efforts to move through it. All tho seemingly easy from the deck a war is being waged. The water compels me to drift in my mind as well as in body. My thoughts return to breathing and strokes. Very important to keep your mind on the strokes. It's not fun to bang your head on the concrete. The water doesn't care if my left side is weak today. Powers beyond my understanding make the water resist. Oh I know the science behind it. But, the question remains. Why does it fight me? Resistance in every stroke. Just like life. Ebb and flow, powerful or powerless it doesn't care. The water is my friend and my nemeses. In the end we will return to water. Why does it matter then? Matter verses water, the water always wins. I guess the question is, will you fight or let the current take you? I choose to fight.

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